Emma Library Book Blog

Welcome to the Emma Willard Library Book Blog!

Through this project we hope to enhance your free reading with ways to observe what others are reading, record what you are reading in a meaningful way, and find other books to read based off of your previous preferences. Happy reading!

Community Recomendations:

Responces to the Survey: Books Which Have Shaped Your Life.

Within this project I wanted to create an outreach for members of our wonderful community to share books which have shaped their lives, by any definition which they gave to “shaped.” I recived many reasponces, and below I have the link for you to look through yourself, and maybe find a book which will stick with you for the rest of your life.

Below is the link to some of my most recent blog posts, each week I will update the blog with new recommendations from the community.

March Post 2: Workshop Plan

Hello all! I am super excited to share my tentative plans for my workshops with you all! First, I want to say that these plans are incredibly flexible– I want to offer assistance and help to each and every student who wants to start reading. Every reader is different, so there’s no way to set… Continue reading March Post 2: Workshop Plan

February Post 2

I am finally starting to launch my workshops! I just have to finalize my plans with Ms. Buinicky, but soon enough I will start helping students start a free reading habit! Ms. Sanwal actually gave me some really good ideas that I might also include in my project. She said that I should find students… Continue reading February Post 2

Reading During Quarantine:

Life amidst the COVID19 pandemic has been a completely new struggle for everyone on the planet. To find solace and some peace during this time, many people have been turning to books. I know, personally, I have found much of my comfort within the pages of the books I have been reading. In order to help others find a similar asylum from the chaos of the world, on this page I am going to post some great resources and recommendations of books and articles to read during this time!

Here is the page for some community recommendations, and book clubs!


New York Times Article

Additionally, after I had sent out the survey, I was told about an amazing New York Times article, which exemplifies what I hoped to accomplish with my own project. Here is the link to that article, so you can peruse through what people from all over the world had to say about the books which shaped their lives.

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